- Anyone concerned with their medical treatment is able to make an OHO complaint;
- Complaints can be made against doctors, chiropractors, psychologists and hospitals;
- The complaint can be made via the OHO website, by phone or by post;
- Complaints are free;
- The outcome of your complaint will be provided to you; and
- Complaints may be taken further to APHRA, a national organisation regulating health professionals.
What is the OHO?
The Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO) manages the complaints made about registered and unregistered health practitioners and health services such as Hospitals.
Upon reviewing the complaint, the OHO may take immediate action to protect the health and safety of the public.
Examples of OHO complaints:
- Failure to diagnose;
- Delay in diagnosis or treatment;
- Failure to perform surgery with the required care and skill;
- Lack of post-operative care and management;
- Incorrect prescriptions or medications; and
- Patient-doctor relationships.
Who Can I Make the Complaint About?
You can make a formal complaint about any health service or professional, both public or private, in Queensland.
This may include:
- Doctor;
- Nurse;
- Chiropractor;
- Physiotherapist;
- Psychologist;
- Hospital;
- Private clinic; or
- Ambulance service
Why Should an OHO Complaint Be Made?
Complaints are important as it ensures that both the OHO and health service or practitioner are aware of your concerns.
It can assist the OHO in identifying where the health service should improve and prevent further problems from occurring. This means that other members of the public will be protected as well.
A complaint may lead to an explanation, an apology or refund of the cost of the health service.
Disciplinary action may be taken against the practitioner or health service by the OHO or National Board such as APHRA.
How Do I Make an OHO Complaint?
Anyone can make a complaint to the OHO. This may include the patient receiving treatment, their family or friend or any other concerned person.
The complaint may be made in writing through the online complaint form here or over the phone on 133 646.
The OHO may require further written information to assist in understanding your complaint.
The complaint requires no payment of money to start the investigation.
A complaint should address:
- Who was involved? E.g. health practitioner or hospital
- Where did the incident occur?
- What happened and when?
- The concerns raised
- Whether anything has been done anything to address the issue? E.g. internal complaint to the service
- What do you want to happen?
A summary of the complaint will be provided to the health service or practitioner for their response. In most cases, the other party will respond to the complaint.
You should be advised of the outcome of your complaint.
The OHO aims to protect the health and safety of the public. The OHO ensures that health professionals and health services are operating at a competent, safe and professional standard.
If you or someone you know are unhappy with their health care treatment, you are entitled to make a complaint.
Visit the OHO website here.
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