CONTROL© AUDIT consistently delivers big compensation payouts to genuine VICTIMS OF MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE

Everyone loves to have control. It makes us feel safe. Secure. Superior even.

Whether it’s controlling the dog on an afternoon walk, or controlling your plans with friends. Perhaps it’s controlling the team at work or your personal finances. Perhaps it’s being the most successful person in your group. Whatever it is, it’s a big deal!

We are all humans. We all crave control. And that’s okay.
Most understand. Most also understand it can drive you crazy because…
Not all things in life can be controlled.
No matter how hard you try, some circumstances are unforeseeable.
You can do all of your research on doctors. You can chat to your friends for recommendations. You can scour the hospital websites. But it's not going to stop you from receiving poor medical treatment.
And once you are victim of the incident, you can feel as though you’re on a slippery slide. But unlike a normal slippery slide, you haven’t initiated the descent. Someone has put you at the top and pushed you.
Because nobody ever goes to a doctor if they know they are going to treat them poorly, right?

"Nobody ever goes to a doctor if they know they are going to treat them poorly, right?"

You can never be certain when that will happen.
Unforeseen incidents can rob you of your ability to work. Your ability to play. Your ability to have independence. Your ability to have control of your life.
And you shouldn’t be robbed of any more than you have. After all, you’ve worked hard. You've done your research. You've spoken to your friends. You've called around. You don’t deserve to be robbed of any more.
Insurance for the medical system is designed to protect doctors from medical negligence claims. And the insurers are king at delay and denial tactics.
And the best way to defeat delay and denial tactics from an insurer is with a lawyer. A lawyer that you can control.

We understand, that sounds impossible...

Lawyers can take you for a wild ride when they're in control.

It’s really quite easy. You take control by quite literally using CONTROL©.
What is CONTROL©?
It is a simple audit process to put you back in the driver’s seat.
A seven step process to guarantee faster, fairer payouts. A process to refine and perfect the quality of the legal advice you receive. A bulletproof process for total certainty.
The seven step CONTROL© Audit is simple. Each letter of the word is a step in the process. And together, the steps guarantee every element of work performed, every piece of legal advice, is in your control:
  • Cost - What will this cost?
  • Obviousness - Is the process clear?
  • Negotiable - Do I have the options to negotiate what I want?
  • Time-bound - Are there strict deadlines?
  • Risk-assessed - Is the process risky?
  • Outcome-orientated - Is there a goal for every step?
  • Legal - Is the advice lawful?

The control© audit is simple.

It’s a matter of asking your lawyer some simple questions, which will be outlined in a minute. Their answers will determine whether you will be guaranteed:
  • Maximum compensation
  • Bulletproof certainty
  • A stress-free process

Step 5: Risk Assessed

The fifth step in the CONTROL© audit is to assess whether the advice has been risk-assessed.
  • Have the risks associated with your claim been identified?
  • Have measures been put in place to control these risks?
  • Are there ways to avoid these risks?
Compensation is a tricky process. A process that can (at times) be full of risk.
The legal world is a world dedicated to risk avoidance and risk removal.
Just look at the tricky language they use. There’s a reason for the confusing Latin, and the extremely longwinded sentences. It’s to remove ambiguity. Remove the risk of someone misinterpreting or twisting what’s been said.
But managing risk isn’t restricted to the language they use. That is just one small piece of a much larger puzzle.
It is a step by step process. A process which involves 4 critical steps. The same 4 critical steps used by Safe Work Australia:

The 4 step process:

  • 1
    Identifying Hazards - find out what could cause harm
  • 2
    Assessing Risks (if necessary) - understand what harm could be caused as a result. How serious that could be. The likelihood of it happening.
  • 3
    Controlling Risks - apply the most effective measures to control each risk
  • 4
    Reviewing control measures - monitor success/failure of these measures
Just as Safework Australia protects employees from risks and hazards in a workplace, a good lawyer will protect their clients from the risks and hazards of compensation claims. A good lawyer will do this using risk elimination.

The only way to be completely safe is with risk elimination

Step 1: Identify hazards

  • What is standing between me and my compensation?
  • What could flaw my evidence?
  • What will the insurer do to try and prove me wrong?
  • What will the insurer do to delay my claim?
  • What will the insurer do to deny my claim?
In a compensation claim, potential hazards include:
  • Unreliable witnesses
  • Incomplete financial records
  • Incomplete medical records
  • Claims the insurer considers to be 'erroneous'
Of course, the list goes on. There are plenty of hazards that could affect your final insurance payout. But all of them can be avoided with a lawyer who is focussed on risk-elimination.  

Step 2: Assess the risks

  • What could happen if I encounter one of these hazards?
  • What are the chances that will happen?
  • How serious are the consequences?
Assessing the risks gives you the chance to control them.
Just like Ella did. A 34 year-old retailer who was incorrectly diagnosed by a doctor. Ella went to make a claim, but Ella had incomplete medical records. She risked her credibility being questioned. And in medical negligence, credibility is extremely important. It helps a Judge determine the legitimacy of your claim.
It was extremely likely the Judge would notice these inconsistencies. The consequences could be extreme.
So Ella and her lawyer took necessary precautions immediately. Requesting files from all of her previous GP's was just the first step.

Step 3: control the risks

  • Can this be completely avoided?
  • If not, how can we control and reduce the consequences?
Once you've identified the risks with your lawyer, you need to put control measures in place.
Luckily for Ella, she had a smart lawyer. She controlled her credibility by boosting it with evidence in the other four areas:
  • Situational Evidence
  • Expert Evidence
  • Character Evidence
  • And Financial Evidence
She aimed to prove her credibility despite the inconsistent medical records.
Sure enough, the Judge brought the inconsistent medical records to light, calling them “a work of fiction.”
But Ella was prepared.  
After presenting the mountain of other evidence to boost her credibility, The Judge concluded:

"The weight of financial evidence and witness statements well outweigh the questions brought on by her inconsistent medical records."

Ella received $323,012 in compensation. 

Step 4: Review control measures

  • Are the control measures working?
  • Do we need to revise the plan of attack at all?
Not all contingency plans work. It's a fact of life. It makes constantly reviewing the plan vital. Ensuring there are no gaps. No leaks in the system.
For Ella, ​her hazard was inconsistent medical records. The risk was ​her credibility being questioned. And one of ​her control measures was simply asking the question:

"Is the strength of my claim good enough in the five areas of evidence?"

By asking the control question, her lawyer would have been immediately alerted to the weak financial evidence and done something about it.
Ella had to constantly assess the quality of the evidence she was collecting. She had to ensure it was capable of standing up to rigorous cross examination.
By using a lawyer that eliminated risk, Ella successfully controlled the potential for failure.
By using a lawyer that eliminates risk, you too could avoid failure. Failure you cannot afford.
All you have to do is run through the 4 Steps of Risk Assessment with your lawyer.
You will successfully guarantee yourself:
  • The best compensation possible
  • Protection from questions of credibility
  • An outstanding representation of who you are 
  • A bulletproof claim with no leaks
And like Ella, you will walk away with your head held high. No matter the hazards that stand in your way, a lawyer who uses risk-elimination techniques will help you control the outcome.
Like Ella, you’ll be certain your claim is bulletproof.

Like what you've read? This is just a small part of something much greater!

Click below to continue reading the other 6 steps.

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