CONTROL© AUDIT consistently delivers big compensation payouts to genuine VICTIMS OF MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE
Step 1: Cost
The CONTROL© audit kicks off with the most important element…
It’s common knowledge that cost and stress are close friends.
You get overwhelmed. You hesitate. You feel lost.
It’s understandable.
No one wants to be left in the dark about price. And certainly no one wants to hear “it depends” when you ask how much something costs.
No one likes price uncertainty. And no one should waste their time talking to someone who avoids the cost conversation.
Not to worry. There is a way to get on the front foot and force your lawyer to discuss costs. All you have to do is ask:
ask your lawyer
fixed costs
"A set amount paid for work or a service, that does not change with the time the work takes of the amount the service is used" (Lexicon, 2017)
Meaning the cost will not vary, whether it takes 3 months or 3 years to complete. Not one dollar more. Not one cent more.
Fixed costs are based off the mean or median price for pay-by-the-hour lawyers.
"The amount of money that is charged, paid, or earned for every hour worked" (Cambridge, 2018)
The result is a fee that sits near the middle of the price range.
For example, Sheryl needs to get witness statements. It could take a lawyer anywhere from twenty minutes to ten hours of work to obtain the statements. It all depends on the helpfulness of those at the hospital, the location of the witnesses, and the credibility of their words.
This means it could cost anywhere from $200-$2500 for a pay-by-the-hour lawyer to do the work.
Contrast that with the fixed-fee lawyer. He’s based his fees off the mean cost, and has proposed $1100 flat to get Sheryl her witness statements completed.
Now $1100 may be $900 more than the lowest cost possible. BUT it is $1400 cheaper than the highest price. And that’s not where it ends.
Fixed fees thus becomes highly beneficial to most. Most, that is, excluding the daredevils. The risk takers. The thrill seekers. Those who like to live on the edge.
The majority who want certainty will find solace in a fixed-fee lawyer. For ultimate peace of mind. Like most would pick a fixed-interest bank loan.
And like most, Sheryl’s biggest fear was cost. But now, Sheryl can budget for the legal costs. She can evaluate the costs. She can decide whether it’s feasible. All before signing any agreements for the lawyer to proceed.
"The majority who want certainty will find solace in a fixed-fee lawyer. For ultimate peace of mind."
Just like when you’re picking between two four-wheel drives and you realise one comes with fixed-fee servicing for 3 years.
For just $240 a visit, you can be guaranteed your first 6 services will be capped. Or, you can pick the varying service fee. Your first visit could cost just $100 for a check, but your 5th visit could cost $1500.
You could be taking a walk. Having a swim. Catching up with friends. All while you wait. But instead, you’re stressed. Wondering what your mechanic is doing. Wondering if you can pay for whatever your mechanic is doing.
Most would pick the fixed-fee option because they want to be certain the job will get done for a price they can afford.
Just like Sheryl wanted to be sure her lawyer could get the job done for a price she could afford.
She used a lawyer that offered a project managed process. Just like you would want a project-managed servicing agreement.
That is:
every task outlined. clear. costed. structured. deadline driven.
Using the CONTROL© Audit, Sheryl can find the right lawyer for her. A lawyer that she can afford. A lawyer to give her:
A lawyer that’s so cost-effective she can walk to her fridge, pour a glass of wine, and not care if it’s the Gossips or the Dom Perignon.
Step 2: Obviousness
The second step to the CONTROL© audit is testing obviousness.
your lawyer might think so.
After all, they have studied years upon years. Spent hours upon hours getting work experience. Learning word after word in legal jargon.
They surround themselves with like-minded people. And sit in an office all day with other lawyers.
Terms like “volenti non fit injuria” and “in pari delicto” are second nature to them. And lawyers love using these terms. It makes them feel that their law school tuition was well spent.
Their language allows less scrupulous lawyers to take their client for a ride. Their client can’t understand what they’re agreeing to. Their clients are left wondering if they’re even speaking the same language.
And honestly, they aren’t. They are speaking legalese.
"The specialised language of the legal profession" (Meriiam-Webster)
"Language used by lawyers and in legal documents that is difficult for ordinary people to understand" (Cambridge Dictionary)
It’s like any foreign language, whether it’s legalese. Business jargon. French. It can all leave you confused.
Imagine you have traveled to Paris. You might feel intimated – it’s unfamiliar territory. There are unfamiliar faces. There are new streets. New sounds. New smells.
Like the smell of fresh croissants. You have followed your nose. You spot the buttery sheen on the golden ‘cwa-sohns’.
Your stomach grumbles. You’ve approached and are welcomed with “bonjour, voudriez-vous de l'aide?”
Did you have any idea what they just said? No. Did you feel mildly intimidated? Yes. Did you reconsider your need for the buttery, golden croissants?
It’s a common sensation for most when they experience another language. And it’s the same sensation for most when they hear legalese for the first time.
And it’s the reason there have been international movements for use of ‘plain-language’.
Jeremy Bentham Source 1 Source 2, Plain English Campaign Source 1 Source 2, Hon. Justice Michael Kirby Source 1, Bill Clinton Source 1, Barack Obama Source 1 Source 2
Bentham. Kirby. Clinton. Obama. They’re some of the most powerful people in the development of the modern day world. And they are all believers in the use of plain English. Together, they pioneered the movement.
And why wouldn’t they? The dollar savings are astronomical.
For example, the UK Department of Defence revised their claim form for travel allowances. Time spent completing the form was reduced by 10%. Time spent processing the claim was reduced by 15%. And the error rate was reduced by 50%.
The savings added up to $600,000 per year by simplifying the language on the form.
In Holland, a division of the Department of Education & Science had similar successes. Their application form for educational grants created great confusion.
So much confusion that 60,000 forms were returned yearly because of incorrect or missing answers. After changing the form to plain-language, only 15,000 forms have to be reprocessed.
A 75% decrease.
Understandably, this saved enormous clerical costs, postage, handling, and time (ACLA, 2012).
It makes sense. The more confusing something is, the longer it takes to understand it.
The cost of poor communication is a transaction of time. And time is money. Time delays and wastes resources.
Time spent translating the French, “good morning, can I help you?” is time that could be spent eating the buttery croissant.
Like William, who unknowingly picked a legalese lawyer. A pay-by-the-hour legalese lawyer.
William would receive an email from his lawyer.
He’d spend 20 minutes trying to read it. Frustrated.
5 minutes spent sitting. Confused.
10 minutes searching for something to understand. Intimidated.
And 10 minutes typing a response asking “what on earth did that email mean?”
…And that would happen at least twice before it was obvious what the original email meant.
Hours of William’s time he could’ve spent with his mates. Hours of the lawyer’s time that William was being billed for. Paying his lawyer to clarify things.
Paying roughly $650 per email just to understand it.
And while he was waiting for answers, he was also extending his claim. Longer. And longer. And longer. The compensation is getting further away. The buttery croissant, getting staler and staler.
And no one wants a stale croissant.
All William had to do was pick a plain-English, fixed-fee lawyer. William would have:
It all seems so easy and clear. And it is.
All you have to do is check the following:
ask yourself
Step 3: Negotiable
The third step in the CONTROL© audit is to test negotiability.
options give you the power to negotiate.
Without options you might feel helpless.
So does your lawyer give you options?
Some might. Others might leave you helpless. Feeling like you’ve been painted into the corner with little-to-no wiggle room.
Wiggling means you have room to do whatever you want. You are not restricted. You are not confined. You are not held back.
You have freedom and options.
Everyone can agree that 3 options seems to be the magic number.
1 option leaves people feeling confined. Forced to take a certain route. Zero control over where they’re going.
2 options can leave us between a rock and a hard place. Nothing in life is black and white, but two options can make you feel like it is. What if you don’t agree with option 1, or 2? Where’s the grey area?
Any more than 3 options and you’re getting into dangerous territory. So many options you lose control of them.
It’s like carrying ten pin bowling balls. Ten pin bowling balls made out of gold. You have to carry them from the bank to your house. No sack. No bag. No box.
You can only keep the gold bowling balls if you carry them without dropping any.
1 would be easy. 2, okay. 3 would get heavy. 4, maybe.
Take too few and you wonder if it’s worth it. But take too many and you’re likely to drop them all, leaving you with nothing.
It’s easy to lose control because there are too many balls to carry.
The same could be said for a medical negligence claim.
The same could be said for something as simple as buying milk.
Who would’ve thought it would be that hard to just get what you’re after.
Realistically, most people reach for full cream, skim, or dietary. 3 options.
Any more and you get confused. Confused what you want. Confused what the outcome will be. You doubt yourself.
You could grab the milk with extra-dollop and end up feeling bloated.
Three options in a compensation claim gives you the wiggle room to feel in control, without being overwhelmed.
And feeling overwhelmed is the last thing you want. All you want is one simple thing – compensation.
Compensation without the confusion. Compensation without the confinements. Compensation with three options at every step.
ask yourself, Do you have these options at every step?
If you want to have control over your compensation, make sure you have no more than, and no fewer than, three options. Three options that can give you negotiation room.
Negotiation room that means:
Step 4: Time Bound
The fourth step in the CONTROL© audit is assessing whether the process is time bound.
The same goes for your insurance claim.
Many people want things over as quickly as possible. And who can blame them? You can finally close that chapter of your life, and look forward to a happier, healthier future.
The happier, healthier future you desire doesn’t have to be as far away as people make it out to be.
If you work with a lawyer who is deadline driven, you’re guaranteed your compensation quicker than a lawyer who drags things out.
We can all agree that’s how it works. When deadlines are set, things are done in a timely manner.
Deadlines give you a goal. They give you focus. They give you urgency. They give you accountability. And they give you motivation.
When you’re motivated to achieve, you are guaranteed to succeed. On the flip side, when you aren’t motivated, deadlines are not met. Goals are not achieved. Things go wrong.
Missing deadlines might mean missing tickets to your favourite concert. It could be losing $150 when you pay your car rego late. Or it could be something as simple as not organising who picks up your son from swimming training.
Regardless of what it is, missing deadlines is not desirable.
Project management systems such as, Asana, or GANTT Charts are a way for professionals to keep on top of projects. It ensures the projects are finished quickly and on time.
Below is an example of a GANTT chart. It graphically represents a group of tasks required to perform an F1 tire change.
Each colour block is a new task to be performed. And each task has a team or person allocated to it. And each person has a quick deadline for their specific task.
The total deadline in this example is 6 seconds. A normal F1 pit stop will take just 2.
Understandably, that seems impossible. And understandably, the chart looks confusing.
Honestly, F1 pit stops are. Just like the compensation pitstops.
They are the most complex in motor sports.
The process is so finely orchestrated that one wrong move can be catastrophic. If the driver pulls in just a few centimetres too far, the entire crew has to take half a second to adjust. In a two second turn around, that’s a 25% time loss.
If the team fails to communicate properly, messages can be mixed. The light can turn green before everyone is safely clear.
A failure that cost a mechanic time in hospital, Ferrari a €50,000 fine, and the team a chance at the podium.
Ricciardo also lost his chance at the podium at the Monaco Grand Prix in 2016. His pit team failed to prepare. His wheel crews were not ready. Neck and neck for first until the pit stop. His pit crew’s disorganisation cost him the trophy.
It’s these “little leaks” that sink “big ships”.
The energy of an organised team that communicates well is plain to see. When it works, it works. The fluidity is awe inspiring. It is poetry in motion. It is easy, it is smooth, and most importantly, the process is fast.
And the process is only fast when all the leaks are fixed. When all the communication is clear. When all the parties are prepared.
When everyone is using a project managed system.
the process is only fast when everyone is using a project managed system.
Project managed systems, such as GANTT charts, are a simple reminder of what needs to be done, when they need to be done.
They are very, very, very effective when used by lawyers. A profession notorious for dragging things out.
They also allow you to keep track of your legal professional’s progress. You will have a deadline in which you can hold them accountable to. A deadline that will give you control and certainty over the speed of the process.
A project managed lawyer will give you every task broken down, with individual deadlines for each. Deadlines that keep you in the loop. Deadlines that provide updates. Deadlines that allow you to track progress.
If your lawyer uses plain English words with obvious meanings, you will understand every step. Every step will be crystal clear.
It needs to be crystal clear. Because in each of those steps is another process with strict deadlines. For example, the “Investigations” stage will contain basic evidence gathering.
It has to.
Because things like security footage often lasts 30 days before it's recorded over. That means you have a 30 day deadline from the date of accident to gather CCTV footage.
A lawyer who doesn’t use a project managed system will easily overlook this. It could be day 60 before they start contacting businesses, asking for CCTV footage.
And by that point it’s much too late. The chances of collecting surveillance footage is next to none.
Ensuring your lawyer is time bound using strict deadlines, you will:
Step 5: Risk Assessed
The fifth step in the CONTROL© audit is to assess whether the advice has been risk-assessed.
Compensation is a tricky process. A process that can (at times) be full of risk.
The legal world is a world dedicated to risk avoidance and risk removal.
Just look at the tricky language they use. There’s a reason for the confusing Latin, and the extremely longwinded sentences. It’s to remove ambiguity. Remove the risk of someone misinterpreting or twisting what’s been said.
But managing risk isn’t restricted to the language they use. That is just one small piece of a much larger puzzle.
It is a step by step process. A process which involves 4 critical steps. The same 4 critical steps used by Safe Work Australia:
The 4 step process:
- 1Identifying Hazards - find out what could cause harm
- 2Assessing Risks (if necessary) - understand what harm could be caused as a result. How serious that could be. The likelihood of it happening.
- 3Controlling Risks - apply the most effective measures to control each risk
- 4Reviewing control measures - monitor success/failure of these measures
Just as Safework Australia protects employees from risks and hazards in a workplace, a good lawyer will protect their clients from the risks and hazards of compensation claims. A good lawyer will do this using risk elimination.
Step 1: Identify hazards
In a compensation claim, potential hazards include:
Of course, the list goes on. There are plenty of hazards that could affect your final insurance payout. But all of them can be avoided with a lawyer who is focussed on risk-elimination.
Step 2: Assess the risks
Assessing the risks gives you the chance to control them.
Just like Ella did. A 34 year-old retailer who was incorrectly diagnosed by a doctor. Ella went to make a claim, but Ella had incomplete medical records. She risked her credibility being questioned. And in medical negligence, credibility is extremely important. It helps a Judge determine the legitimacy of your claim.
It was extremely likely the Judge would notice these inconsistencies. The consequences could be extreme.
So Ella and her lawyer took necessary precautions immediately. Requesting files from all of her previous GP's was just the first step.
Step 3: control the risks
Once you've identified the risks with your lawyer, you need to put control measures in place.
Luckily for Ella, she had a smart lawyer. She controlled her credibility by boosting it with evidence in the other four areas:
She aimed to prove her credibility despite the inconsistent medical records.
Sure enough, the Judge brought the inconsistent medical records to light, calling them “a work of fiction.”
But Ella was prepared.
After presenting the mountain of other evidence to boost her credibility, The Judge concluded:
"The weight of financial evidence and witness statements well outweigh the questions brought on by her inconsistent medical records."
Ella received $323,012 in compensation.
Step 4: Review control measures
Not all contingency plans work. It's a fact of life. It makes constantly reviewing the plan vital. Ensuring there are no gaps. No leaks in the system.
For Ella, her hazard was inconsistent medical records. The risk was her credibility being questioned. And one of her control measures was simply asking the question:
"Is the strength of my claim good enough in the five areas of evidence?"
By asking the control question, her lawyer would have been immediately alerted to the weak financial evidence and done something about it.
Ella had to constantly assess the quality of the evidence she was collecting. She had to ensure it was capable of standing up to rigorous cross examination.
By using a lawyer that eliminated risk, Ella successfully controlled the potential for failure.
By using a lawyer that eliminates risk, you too could avoid failure. Failure you cannot afford.
All you have to do is run through the 4 Steps of Risk Assessment with your lawyer.
You will successfully guarantee yourself:
And like Ella, you will walk away with your head held high. No matter the hazards that stand in your way, a lawyer who uses risk-elimination techniques will help you control the outcome.
Like Ella, you’ll be certain your claim is bulletproof.
Step 6: Outcome Orientated
The sixth step in the CONTROL© audit is to assess whether the process is outcome-orientated.
Everything should work towards your desired end result. Every piece of advice. Every element of work that is performed for you. It should all work towards a milestone that gets you one step closer to your end goal.
Medical negligence compensation should be a milestone driven process. Start with your desired end result and break the process down into smaller milestones.
It’s just like driving from home to work. You set your desired goal of getting to work. You map out how you are going to get there. You drive.
Except with compensation it’s not that easy. It’s like driving from home to work in city traffic. With traffic lights at nearly every intersection. It can be a much harder and longer process. There are so many things that can hold you up.
"A medical negligence claim is like driving home from work in city traffic. With traffic lights at nearly every intersection."
Like a commute, you want to get to the end destination as quickly as possible. No one wants a car trip to drag on forever and ever. Just the same as no one want’s their compensation to drag on forever and ever.
To arrive as quickly as possible you need a ‘green light run’ all the way through. For each traffic light to turn green or be green at the exact time you hit them. For things to be completed by a certain point in the process so you can continue to the next milestone with no delays.
Each light is a destination. An outcome. It is pretty clear if you are at the intersection or not. The lights then give you the go ahead to get to the next set of lights. The next outcome.
You are the traffic controller. You decide at each intersection what to do. Should you progress on this route; or detour?
Providing you with the ultimate control over your success. Telling you “what” has been achieved. Giving you a milestone based process. Ensuring you get every task completed in time so that you can give us the go ahead or put you on an alternate route.
By having an outcome oriented professional you have someone who is focused on what you want to accomplish. The lawyer is the driver. You control the traffic lights.
Each outcome is represented by a set of traffic lights. The final payout is your ultimate destination.
The ultimate outcome.
You decide where you want the driver to go and when he can keep driving. The lawyer just makes sure they get to that next traffic light. That next milestone. That next outcome. As fast as possible. Ensuring that no unnecessary tasks are performed.
Saving you time and money.
For example, Layna wanted the largest possible compensation. She didn’t mind if the trip took a little longer.
Together, her lawyer and her mapped out a route. It went via her GP's. To a witness’ house. Next to the hospital. Then to a psychologists.
The route went to every possible destination needed. And sure, the journey took longer, but Layna’s lawyer was taking the route she wanted. The route that led her to maximum compensation.
The benefits of an outcome orientated approach are:
Layna’s lawyer doesn’t have time to stop at McDonalds and enjoy the latest chicken stunner deal. He doesn’t have time to stop and smell the roses. He’s on a strict route with deadlines and goals, and Layna’s certain she’s getting what she wants.
Step 7: Legal
The sixth step in the CONTROL© audit is to assess whether the process is legal.
Complying with the law prevents hold ups and unnecessary delays. Hold ups and unnecessary delays that could give the other side an advantage.
Most legal non-compliance comes from rushing things, cutting corners, and not paying enough attention.
It’s like driving 80km in a 50km zone in an attempt to get to your friends party. A police man will pull you over, give you a ticket and make you arrive an hour late.
So now you have a $609 fine, 6 demerit points and have missed the food. Something you could have avoided if you’d complied with the road rules and driven the speed limit. Avoiding a fine and avoiding an hour delay.
The same goes for insurance compensation matters. If you don’t follow the rules and aren’t compliant with the law, you will find yourself in a worse position.
You may be disadvantaged with penalties such as paying the other person’s legal costs, or even missing out on getting the compensation you deserve.
But there are ways in which you can ensure that you remain compliant with Australia’s insurance law.
COMPLIANCE checklist
- 1Read, study, and understand:
- 2Hire a qualified legal professional on a fixed-fee, fixed-task basis who has studied these materials for at least 6 years. These include:
These professionals are the only people who are qualified to give you correct legal advice. You can check if the professional you are considering on hiring is qualified in Queensland by searching them on the Queensland Law Society website, or by getting in direct contact with the Queensland Law society directly (for Queensland only).
People you should NOT seek legal advice off are:
They won’t know the loopholes. The secrets of navigating their way through the legal minefield. It changes on a daily basis.
if anyone could give legal advice, we'd all be lawyers.
Advice from non-lawyers could be misleading, ill-informed, and out-of-date.
Even worse, it could leave you feeling embarrassed and humiliated. And without recourse.
School up on the law or find a qualified professional. You’ll find yourself:
“The only way to take control of your medical negligence claim, easily and profitably, is by speaking to a lawyer.
What don't you have to do?
Worry about being left in the dark - Don't stay wondering what to do, and when to do it.
Worry about your bills piling up - Be certain you can afford time off work and the treatment you're receiving.
Don't be taken for a ride - Insurers can try to mislead and confuse you, make sure you don't miss a step of the process.
Keep guessing, keep stressing, keep feeling anxious - Know what's necessary to maximise your claim so you don't find yourself wasting your most precious assets.
Keep missing deadlines - The law can be strict with time frames and missing them can mean missing out completely.
What’s in it for you?
We understand medical negligence claims can be confronting, intimidating even.
Your free chat with a legal expert includes:
Why is it free?
Because, the majority of our Claim Control Plan© recipients are so pleased they become clients.
Many become clients because the plan lets us demonstrate how we differ from other firms.
We don’t think you should hire a lawyer without knowing exactly what you get for your money. Without knowing how we can eliminate hassle. Without knowing the service is worth it.
Just like you wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive.
This is your free test drive. And this is what will give you the power to make an educated decision for your next step.
"Our FREE chat is designed to help you know where to begin, so you can know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it."
The only thing left to do now is to click the button below to have your FREE chat today!
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