Thank you for requesting our resource.


  1. It's a free resource.  There is no scam.  We have not asked for any personal or financial information!
  2. The link containing the resource will be sent to you via a text message to the phone number you provided to Facebook. We are bound by S66 of the PIPA Act 2002 to only send information via secured means, which means we must use two factor authentication, and only send to verified phone numbers.
  3. Click the link in the text message and answer the questions!
  4. If you don't receive the link, it means you have given us the wrong phone number.
  5.  Call 07 3231 0604 to give us the right phone number!
  6. The App you have requested requires activation.  We send you a reminder text every 24 hours for 3 days if you do not activate the app.
  7. As per our privacy policy that you accepted ion Facebook, if we feel it is better to reach out to you with a phone call because of your app answers, we will exercise that option, if we think it will protect your common law rights.